Turning your ideas into action


A few weeks ago I shared a few pics of my CEO retreat I held for some of the leaders in my team. You may have noticed sticky notes EVERYWHERE! 


I may have a slight obsession with sticky notes. Sticky notes are my favourite way to do a massive brain dump of all the ideas I have in my business. Then I organise them into themes and then I create an action plan. My action plan includes tasks and dates to achieve them by. 
Then I do it. 

I wanted to share you the exact process we went through to create our 2019 Business Action Plan. 

First we did a SWOT analysis of our business. We all had a pile of sticky notes and I went through a series of questions to identify our Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats to our business. Each idea was written on a sticky note.

Screen Shot 2019-06-04 at 14.22.25.png

We started with Strengths.

I asked: What is working well in your business? What are some of your strengths? What are you finding joy in? 

Next was Weaknesses.

I asked: What isn't working so well in your business? What skills could you develop? What are you avoiding?

Then Opportunities.

I asked: What opportunities have you identified for your business? What are some of your big bold ideas?

Finally Threats.

I asked: What do you feel is a threat to your business? What concerns you as a possible threat? 

Each idea was put on a sticky note and we placed them over on our Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats windows.

The leaders the worked in pairs to shuffle all the ideas into common themes. 

Finally they all selected two sticky notes from each area to create an action plan. The action plan included the task, the plan and a timeline. 

We all then had a workable document to take action on our big ideas!!! 

What’s your fav way to get the ideas out of your head and into a plan?
Let me know in the comments below.

Kim x 

Ps. Here’s some more snaps of our amazing CEO retreat at The Summer House, Torquay.

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